Every Guy poops.

Didn’t want to take this to a finished piece, but a bit of green at least seemed appropriate. In a perfect world with unlimited time, Guy here would be backdropped, by space and the entire green lantern corps, battling some galactic menace or or other while he took a pause to contemplate.

Space vulture…filled with HATE!!!

Haines, and Nelz and I were gonna do a 10 page Justice League story, instead we do a one a week blog: http://randomsketching.blogspot.com/ But back when we were talking about it in a diner, Haines said it would have space vultures, and I sketched one and inked it with the brush pen I had just …


SO busy holiday time!!! I got a cintiq 20wsx from my super Q! Meanwhile I got my dad a Kayak, and used the cintiq to draw a comic explaining why I didn’t have it there for him. below is said comic, and my first ever attempt at cintiq drawing:


I’ve been talking and arguing with my buddy Haines lately, about art and comics. One main thing we were talking about is how hard it is to keep things dynamic and correct at the same time. We both have a problem of over-drawing things,…that is getting a nice loose sketch and redrawing it till all …

Taking forever, joining a second blog I am a bowler!

http://randomsketching.blogspot.com/ this is a second blog sketchmo, I am doing with several animation friends, so  If I am laming here you can looksee there at my stuff and others that is posted once a week by each of us on a decided upon subject. meanwhile here is firestorm: once again my legs fail to thrill,….however …

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