Digital Illustration pin-up I did for Jeff Manley’s upcoming book TheTeam.
Category Archives: Comic Strip
Shirt Sense
Co-written, (and mainly thunk up), by Quelyn of Emocrap, AKA my new blushing bride. This one was done just for fun, and 100 percent on the cintiq in photo shop from roughs to lettering.
N…is for NOVA.
Wow remember the alphabet doodles? we are still on track with that,….slowly, slowly on track…
Anatomy of a doodle
Here are two, computer-side “doodles” I did recently in between playing WOW and looking for work on the internet. They showcase my on-going renewed interest in “super-hero type” muscle anatomy.
Rap-Tor 2…the revenge!
Hey guys, Been busy with lots of projects lately, so no new blog updates for a while, however the new Rap-tor strip is up, If you are so inclined to see it. I eased back on the coloring a bit this time, and I am starting to get a better handle on the character designs. …
Hey guys, Just this week I have signed on as the artist for a web-comic called “Rap-tor”, It was created and is written by Matthew Psallidas. …its his baby, so throw any accolades regarding dinosaur mayhem, and rich guy shenanigans his way! I’m just an ink slinging hired-gun on this one. It should be updated …
A sketch-o Blog thinger doodle CRAPS.
Hey-ho I got a commisoned comic page to do,…here are my thumbnails followed by the pencils: