A cheerful bat mitzvah girl and a traveling family

These pics were done as a commission for the girl’s bat mitzvah last month. Done from photos 100 percent in Photoshop on my Cintiq. I was hired to do a “caricature”, but,  more and more these jobs I do from photos, are more like cartoony illustration. Not really exaggerated, just nice comic-book looking versions of …

The 3 Doctors, the 201…3 Doctors.

Hello and welcome to another process blog, I haven’t done one in a while, and so heeeeeere we go: One of the categories for the SDCC 2013 souvenir book this year is Doctor Who. The deadline was Midnight tonight. Yesterday at midnight I decided to do a pic for it. I am great planner-man! Step One:  Roughs / Layouts Did a …

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