Days of Terror

Hey guys, so this past weekend, I was at Miss Misery’s Day’s of Terror Horror con, Hocking my wares and rubbin shoulders with other humanites. While there I had fun, and met some cool people. The Phantom Zone Radio show stopped by and took a few pics:   I was also interviewed by The Mouths of Madness podcast guys …

Magic Rock Guy.

Here he is, a rock elemental type guy! I made up this chap to resemble something you might see on a magic card. Unfortunately, my style sets it far apart from their usual fare. I used green energy as a BG, since rock elementals always seem to be around fire and lava, and I wanted …


Recently through my Deviant art page, I was commissioned to do a mascot/logo for an new game site. They liked my Be-bop from TMNT, and wanted something similar but with a warthog in fantasy garb, instead of a boar in punk attire. I did the pencil sketch in blue and then cleaned it up with …

3 Dog night…and day…and several more revisions later in the week.

Recently I was contacted to do a cartoon of three dogs from photos. The guy ended up wanting it a lot more realistic than cartoony, and after several heavily referenced revisions, here is the final product done 100 percent in Photoshop on my Cintiq:

Variations on a theme

At the Big Wow comic con a few months back, a guy commissioned me to do a sketch cover for him. This was the first time I had done one of these. Since then, I have done several more. Some were for a private collection, some to be sold on ebay. These are images from the second batch …

Mutation Madness ( a Preamble to San Diego Comic-Con 2012)

I leave for San Diego Comic-con tomorrow, I have very mixed feelings. On the one hand I LOVE Comic-con, and the last 2 years I went were awesomely fun. On the other hand, some friends that live in that area, who I was expecting to see will not be there this year. Add to that …

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