dr. who part deux

Been watching Torchwood finally, (a Doctor who spin-off), and I was interested in re-watching the first story with Captain Jack Harkness, who started as a Dr.who guest star, and became the lead of Torchwood. So after re-watching the original episodes with him and the 9th Doctor, I drew this up. Pencil (erased) and japanese brush pen.

Ded Sexi and a Cacophony of Cleopatras

Gary Gretsky HEY CRANBERRIES FANS!!! NEW DED SEXI ALBUM AVAILIABLE ON CDBABY: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/DedSexi -also on itunes for download, or just ask me and I can sell ya one for 5 bones plus 3 dollars shipping if I need to send it to you. ZOMG it’s like cats peeing in tandem for miles! Cacophony of Cleopatras …

Reagan and he.

Another warm up sketch I did the other day, again green highlighter, (removed digitally), and japanese brush pen. Tried to do a simple-type robot, without the gears and circuts and stuff I usually draw. Also I gave him a Ronald Reagan lunch box. Because on an episode of Family ties they mentioned Alex P. Keaton …

Rodimus Prime on baby time!

Had a last minute baby sitting favor, for some frineds stupid early today, luckily the kid didn’t wake up until after they came home. So I watched 8 season 4 episodes of the original transformers, and did this nifty Rodimus prime sketch…I didn’t use strait edges so he’s a little soft for a robot, but …

M is for Mantenna!!!

She-ra villain from the Mighty Horde…Mantenna! Done in grey and black brush pen, then scanned and colored in photo shop, I tried using flat colors over the grey tones first. Then I added shading and highlights to the second version. I think the shaded one fits the bg better, but I like the effect of …

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